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Using the keyboard

EOD can be more simply operated with the keyboard.

You can access the most important functions using the numerical key pad on the right of the keyboard

Move the object with the Arrow keys (8, 4, 6 & 2) Alternatively, use the normal arrow keys.

With 9 and 3 the Height of the object can be adjusted.
Also "Page Up" and "Page Down" can be used.

Use / and * to rotate the Object. F7 and F8 also rotate the object, for users who are accustomed to Airport 2.6.  

With + and -, zoom in or zoom out
With F5 and F6 the same is achieved in larger steps.

Assorted list of useful shortcuts

Ctrl+H Hide objects (25%)
Ctrl+G Duplicate Group/Object  (Copy and Paste)
Ctrl+X Center view to active object
Ctrl+B Preview in FlightSimulator
F1 Help
F3 3D Preview
F4 3D Mode
F5 / F6 Zoom
F7 / F8 Rotate


Further topics:
- Configuration
- Keyboard Step Feature
- The Menus
- Program Layout

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© Matthias Brückner 1999-2003